The Order of the Arrow has two campership programs available to provide Scouts with greater opportunities to attend summer camp. The Maury Clancy American Indian Campership and Get Kids to Camp Partnership have been funded by the Order of the Arrow Endowment to provide $20,000 each in support during 2014.
Maury Clancy American Indian Campership
If your council anticipates American Indian Scouts (needing financial assistance) to attend camp during your 2014 summer camp season, please return the Indian Campership Projection Form by May 31. Through the aforementioned fund, the national Order of the Arrow will reimburse you up to 50 percent of the cost of one week at camp (see background information) for each American Indian Scout attending your summer camp. The volume of requests determines the percentage of camp fee reimbursement, which could be less than the maximum 50 percent allowed.
At the conclusion of your summer camp season, all American Indian Scouts who were approved for camperships and attended camp should be listed on the Maury Clancy American Indian Campership Fund Application. The completed application should be submitted to the national Order of the Arrow office after September 1 and postmarked no later than October 1 for reimbursement.
Get Kids to Camp Partnership
The purpose of the Get Kids to Camp Partnership is to get Scouts to camp by providing trained, qualified adults to serve as unit leaders for units (chartered or provisional) otherwise unable to attend council summer camp. To accomplish this goal, the Order of the Arrow has allocated $20,000 to provide 100 percent of the adult camp fee for up to four leaders per council. You may download the application at
These grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and must be postmarked no later than May 31. Completed applications can be emailed to or mailed to the address on the application. If your council is awarded a grant, a final report template will be emailed to you and should be returned no later than October 15.
If you have questions about these campership opportunities, please call 972-580-7846.